''Emerald Codex'' Activation Portal

€ 222,00

Emerald Codex Activation Portal , Ancient Oracle
Exclusive Plexiglas Art Print

Divine Portal Activation Art include pure Source Lightcodes and frequenties to Uplift your livingspace as the Sacred Divine Temple

We've got in Store what we love, so we created a selection of high frequency products and a Divine Art Collection.
Designed, selected and Initiated with Golden Source Codes and Divine frequencies, every Artwork is light encoded and created during wonderful transmissions

To create your own sacred temple space that feels vibrant and light, spreading love and bringing high frequencies and activation codes into your surroundings

High vibe your workspace, yoga-meditation-ceremony-workshop, practitioner or Livingroom

Remembering 0nes own divinity, activating the keys&codes that are stored within, supporting in keeping the frequency high and your life force energy flowing with ease & grace, uplifting the Space they are in.

The Exclusive Divine Portal Art collection is printed on High Quality Acrylic glas and holds a beautifyl shine

Available Sizes
60 X 60 cm

90 X 90 cm

120 X 120 cm

Prizes incl Shipment